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Christian Education

At St. Mark's, Christian education is a priority as our congregation continually seeks to grow in the Word of God, thereby being strengthened in our faith and knowledge of God. To achieve this, we offer two adult Bible classes and a Sunday School class for children. Except in the summer months, Sunday School and adult Bible class meet after church every Sunday at 10:45 A.M. We also offer our midweek adult Bible class, called Spiritual Renewal, Wednesday nights at 7 P.M. Please join us as we gather together to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).

Sunday Bible Class

Sunday Bible Class meets after church for an hour in the St. Mark’s fellowship hall. Each week, a topic is presented for informal discussion. The pastor often presents an overview of the topic, either on current doctrine disputes or on difficult Biblical concepts, followed by him leading an open disscussion with the class, done in conversational style.

Spiritual Renewal Class

Spiritual Renewal Class meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM during the spring and fall. We use the word “renewal” for our classes because it points out the ongoing need to study God’s Word. The Word of God, then, is the center of our spiritual renewal classes, as each class looks at a particular book or books of the Bible and studies them in-depth. The average cycle of Spiritual Renewal Classes is about 5 years in length, cycling through various books of the New Testament. The cycle is as follows: Church Doctrine I and II—an overview of the teachings of Christianity and Lutheranism:

To Be a Disciple—a study of Matthew

The Maturing Disciple—a study of I Corinthians

The Victorious Disciple—a study of Revelation

The Faithful Disciple—a study of Colossians

The Christian Disciple—a study of Ephesians

The Righteous Disciple—a study of Romans

The Hopeful Disciple—a study of I Peter

The Loving Disciple—a study of John’s epistles

The Waiting Disciple—a study of I and II Thessalonians

The Joyful Disciple—a study of Philippians

For any questions about the class or to receive preparation materials before the class, please contact the church office at 734-782-3726.

Sunday School

Sunday school also meets after church for an hour in the education wing. It is for children from kindergarten to 6th grade. Each class begins by learning and singing different hymns and religious songs, or, during the major festival seasons such as Christmas and Easter, by learning songs to present to the congregation during a service. The remainder of the class is spent covering a lesson in the Bible History series curriculum. For any questions about our Sunday School program, feel free to contact our church office 734-782-3726

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